Honduras Ezri Moises Herrera Ext. Fermentation

Sale price Price $17.00 Regular price

8 oz

Origin: Honduras

Region: La Piedrona, Chinacla

Altitude: 1600MASL

Variety: Catuai

Process: Natural

Profile: Strawberry, Blackberry, Brown Sugar


Located in La Piedrona Village, El Puente is an 83 hectare farm that stands out from others of its region thanks to the meticulous care that is put into each step of the coffees produced here.

This lot was dried and processed as a natural after an extended fermentation where the coffee was in grainpro bags for 72 hours before being moved to the patios. Once fermented, drying took 20-25 days to reach a moisture content around 10.5% and was then rested prior to final milling for export.